COBIMET sponsors GDR workshop for librarians

COBIMET sponsors GDR workshop for librarians

Last Friday, September 27, 2019, the Consortium of Metropolitan Libraries (COBIMET) sponsored a workshop on GDR rules for school and academic librarians. Professor Soraya Torres Villanueva, Acting Assistant Director of the...
COBIMET trains students on Virtual Library

COBIMET trains students on Virtual Library

Last Saturday, August 31, 2019, the Conservatory of Music offered a training session on the collections of specialized music available in the Virtual Library of COBIMET. The training was to 10 students graduated from the Course:...
COBIMET starts a new campaign

COBIMET starts a new campaign

With the aim of promoting the direct services it offers to students, teachers and administrators, COBIMET began the 2019-2020 academic year with the Discover a World of Possibilities campaign. The focus is for users to continue to familiarize themselves with the...
COBIMET and e-Technologies Solutions, Corp. sign alliance

COBIMET and e-Technologies Solutions, Corp. sign alliance

The Consortium of Metropolitan Libraries (COBIMET) and the company e-Technologies Solutions Corp. (e-Tech) signed an agreement for the former to be the exclusive representative of Koha Solutions in Puerto Rico. Koha is an integrated system of administration of...
COBIMET joins as a corporate member of HETS

COBIMET joins as a corporate member of HETS

Last Friday, June 21, 2019, COBIMET was officialized as a corporate member of the Hispanic Consortium of Educational Technology Services (HETS). HETS is a non-profit organization made up of institutions...