by Webmaster | May 29, 2019 | News
During the semester of January to May 2019 COBIMET, in collaboration with American University, offered a series of four (4) workshops on the application MS Excel 2016. Both the administrative staff and the faculty had the opportunity to meet and practice with...
by Webmaster | May 1, 2019 | News
On 26 April, the series of workshops on basics of appraisal of the learning offered to professors and librarians at the facilities of American University in Bayamón was completed. Prof. María M. Cruz-Guilloty discussed the principles for developing e...
by Webmaster | APR 15, 2019 | News
On April 12, 2019 was held workshop administration and supervision of libraries at the Central University of Bayamón. Dr. Sonia Dávila, a reference librarian at the UPR – Cayey, discussed strategies related to the concepts of...
by Webmaster | Mar 30, 2019 | News
COBIMET welcomed the successful conclusion of the first group of the 21ST Century Library Digital literacy program. The goal of the project was to train librarians in digital competence in order to reduce the gap...
by Webmaster | Jun 14, 2018 | News
The College of San Juan was the venue for the workshop "Creating online surveys and exams with Google forms", convened by the Consortium of Metropolitan Libraries (COBIMET) on June 8th. Thirteen professors and librarians of six...
by Webmaster | May 1, 2018 | News
The Consortium of Metropolitan Libraries (COBIMET) integrated the modality of webinars or online seminars to its training program. With the launch of this modality, COBIMET seeks to meet the needs of people interested in obtaining...