Last Friday, September 27, 2019, the Consortium of Metropolitan Libraries (COBIMET) sponsored a workshop on GDR rules for school and academic librarians. Professor Soraya Torres Villanueva, Acting Assistant Director of the Collections Development Department of the Rio Piedras Campus Library System at the University of Puerto Rico, presented a brief introduction to the GDR: Resource Description and Access, with the purpose of publicizing its most relevant aspects and to serve as a basis for forming a general idea about its scope and possible impact on our cataloguing workflow. A brief account of what is involved in cataloguing resources following the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules was discussed, as well as the changes that are being generated with the use of the new GDRs that began to be used by the Library of Congress in March 2013. The 25 participants, representing 9 educational institutions and the Department of Education, had the opportunity to carry out several practical exercises to apply the concepts discussed.