about US
We are a non-profit organization that works collaboratively with its members to improve virtual library services and information skills in the digital age. Since our beginnings in the 2002, the consortium has been characterized by incorporating the most advanced technologies for the benefit of its users, resulting in economies of scale for our members.
Facilitating access barrier-free to knowledge.
To provide equitable access to information, in line with the demands of the knowledge age, through the collaboration, the promotion of research and the competitiveness of the members.
Our History
Years of experience
Users impacted
Virtual Resources
Training offered
¿Why Do we do it?
Serve students, faculty and researchers
Expand and facilitate access to information resources in accordance with the demands of the knowledge society, through innovative features that enable 24/7 access from anywhere.
Promote a cooperative and innovative model
Encourage spaces that allow the exchange of experiences to improve services, avoid duplication of efforts, generate economies of scale, increase student retention and competitiveness of member institutions.
Reduce digital gap
To provide the resources of information, the knowledge and the tools necessary to make the development of the digital competencies in the users and their success in the work and personal environment.
Our Team
"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to lead individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It's the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." - Andrew Carnegie

Carlos Crespo
Executive Director

Edgardo Rivera
Technology Coordinator

Melmarie Candelario
Networking and Training Coordinator

Jonathan Gonzalez
Systems Administrator