Training on Digital Security

Training on Digital Security

The College of San Juan hosted the first workshop introduction to Digital security, offered by COBIMET on December 15, 2017. During the workshop, topics were discussed on the protection of: equipment, information, environment and health. The...
BiVir Tools for Research

BiVir Tools for Research

On July 26, 2017, COBIMET offered a workshop on how to use the various tools available in the Virtual library that facilitate research. Six (6) employees of the Carlos University Library participated in the activity.
Development of digital information skills

Development of digital information skills

On April 28th, 2017, COBIMET offered the workshop digital information skills development at the Central University of Bayamón. The resource was Profa. María M. Cruz-guilloty, instructional designer with over 15 years of experience in the area of ...
Copyright in the digital age

Copyright in the digital age

Last February 24th, COBIMET offered the workshop on copyright in the digital age at the Central University of Bayamón. The resource was Dr. Ketty Rodriguez, director of the EGCTI Library at the University of Puerto Rico with more than 25 years of ...