What do we do?
We use advanced technology and expert staff to offer high quality services.
We work with member institutions to provide services to librarians, students, faculty and the wider community. We support the distribution cost-effective and efficient of electronic and digital content, under a model of economies of scale.
Virtual Library
Complete solution that includes access to databases, books, magazines, documents, videos, among other digital resources through a responsive web design. Exclusively for members.
Quick assistance in locating a resource or service to virtual library users via a pre-scheduled chat or email 24/7.
Technical support
Automated system that allows members to request help with the virtual services 24/7. Response time: four to six hours.
interlibrary loans
Allows online ordering of electronic resources not available in the virtual library. The shipping process takes between 24 to 48 hours. Available 24/7. Exclusive to members.
Professional development
Training, capacity building and technical assistance on issues related to library, technology integration in education and digital skills development.
Support resources
Exclusive website for members with diverse multimedia materials to assist librarians, faculty and students.
Advise and Consult
Professionals with more than 15 years of experience of experience in the areas of library, technology and education. Available to members and non-members.
document repository
Tool for collect, store, preserve and disseminate digital content, including documents, images, audio files, video and digital datasets.

virtual library
- Reliable, secure, fast and available 24/7 infrastructure
- Discovery service to search all printed, digital and electronic resources
- Server management and maintenance
- Personnel training in the effective use and management
- Negotiations with suppliers of electronic resource
- Solutions' individual usage statistics
- Responsive web design for different devices
We meet the needs of staff and students by providing excellent virtual services that improve access to our resources and eliminate as many technological barriers as possible.
advice and consultancy
- Analysis of virtual resources collections
- Implementation of automated systems
- Accreditation processes of universities and/or academic programs
- Integration of technology into the curriculum
- Remote Education
Our team of advisors and consultants has a solid academic background and extensive experience in the areas that your organization needs.

document repository
- Captures, stores, indexes, preserves and redistributes - in digital form - the institution's intellectual output.
- Allows a variety of formats: text, images, audio, video, multimedia, computer programs, among others.
- Based on DSpace, an open source software designed by MIT and HP to create open access repositories for digital content.